Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zimride at the Beach

Social networking for ridesharing is available through the Zimride Program at CSULB.  This program allows you to "sell" your empty seats in your car on your way to school.  It is the Facebook of carpooling.  This is available to students, faculty, and staff. 

It allows you to catch a ride to or from campus through the social media.  If you are connected to Facebook and the CSULB network on Facebook you can sign in through Facebook.  For a student to make some extra cash this isn't a bad idea.  If you are going to school why not get the most out of it by putting those empty seats to use. 

The user can create a profile and view others before accepting the person who needs a ride, for security and safety reasons.  Users can log in with their campus ID and password to access the features it provides.  A driver doesn't have to go extremely out of the way to get somebody because it shows people who need rides or can drive along the same route you already take. 

It cuts down on emissions because it is taking less cars off the road and giving people other ways to school.  Between September of 2009 and March 2011 over 800,000 miles of travel have been reduced and has saved almost 32,000 gallons of gas. 

There are currently 1,219 CSULB Zimride members online.  This is a big step towards alternative transportation and with the current campus condition, could prove usefull.

The 7th Street bridge and its surrounding freeways have been closed and there have been numerous complaints about traffic surrounding the CSULB campus.  With the use of the Zimride programs less cars could be used and traffic could be thinned out especially around campus.

For additional information please visit the Zimride website : Zimride

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