Friday, April 8, 2011

Long Beach to Add More Bike Lanes

Starting April 12, Long Beach will open about 1.2 miles of newly constructed bicycle lanes.  This is all part of a plan by the city of Long Beach to make the city the "most bicycle friendly city in America."

The new lanes being open are on stretch on Third Street and Broadway in downtown Long Beach.  The California Traffic Control Devices Committee and the Federal Highway Administration will monitor the use and efficiency of the new 1.2-mile long lanes. 

This project's main goal is to provide an alternate mode of transportation for students as well as residents of the city.  Ironically, this is announced just shortly after California State University Long Beach received an award for being a bicycle friendly campus.  With the increased amount of bike lanes, safety is always a concern.

The program includes illuminated traffic signals specifically for cyclists.  This will help make left turn signals and left turns easier and more safe for cyclists to use.  This strategy is being used to decrease the number of accidents that occur between cars and bicyclists.

For now, the lanes are experimental and if successful lanes will be opened to Cal State Long Beach.  There are no direct lanes to the university mainly because the program is still in the experimental phase.

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