Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Intro

Transportation to and from California State University Long Beach (CSULB) has been noted as not being able to find a parking spot the first few weeks of the semester and students trying to find parking spots that don't require a parking permit because students are trying to "cut corners" in spending.  For those students who live on campus or not very far from campus have a variety of ways to getting to school; shuttles, busses, bikes, skateboards, even scooters (yes, even if that sounds silly).  Those students don't need a permit and transportation is less taxing than that of a student that commutes.  If you look on the corner of Palos Verde and Atherton you can see a whole row of cars that seem to belong to students but don't have a parking permit.  Why would you park that far away when you can park in the new structure just one block away?  In my next post I will hopefully have the exact number of parking permits purchased.  Commuting to campus can be expensive, not only finacially but mentally.

I am a student that commutes to school, about 15 to 20 miles one way.  That adds up in gas, especially if you work outside school, and especially with the way gas prices keep going up are students trying to cut down on where and how often they drive?  Spending all the time driving around town sometimes can be irritating, at least to me anyway.    For those of you who read this, I'm interested in finding out how you get to school and if you commute does the following paragraph relate to you?  My next post will have more information regarding student transportation.  If you would like to help contribute to the information you can email me at

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